
More on the Border Vigilantes

Dan Baum’s portrayal of Chris Simcox’s efforts to seal our border was pathetic (“Patriots on the Borderline,” March 16). Simcox and his organization were demeaned as much as possible and made to look as if they’re the bad guys. Why are those who want to protect our border considered racist yahoos?

Let’s turn the tables. If Americans were entering Mexico illegally at an alarming rate (with no intention of learning Spanish or obtaining Mexican citizenship, and sending most of their wages back home), and Mexico stepped up its border patrols, would that be racist? Of course not. It speaks volumes about what’s really going on when paychecks sent by American immigrants to their families in Mexico are Mexico’s third biggest source of income. There is very little interest in assimilating into American culture or becoming American citizens.

Bruce Konschuh



How dare you run such a racist story on patrolling the border? Do you have any idea how many Latinos read The Times? Why did you place this rebel in the spotlight? My grandparents were illegals, then taxpayers, and now we’re third-generation war veterans. Do us a favor: Tell Simcox that he forgot to wear his white pillowcase!


Martin Castaneda

Via the Internet


Baum’s article uses words such as “half-baked,” “xenophobic,” “hateful” and “toxic.” Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But what would happen to our country if people like Simcox kept quiet? The borders are a disgrace. Simcox is asking no more and no less than that the laws of our country be obeyed. Should we sit back while Mexico dumps its problems on us and just say thank you? Instead of being so harsh toward Simcox and the brave people who stand with him, you should thank God for people like him. He is my Paul Revere.

Elaine Proko



Simcox fits the classic definition of a conservative: a liberal who got mugged.

David Hilts

La Palma
