
Readers recommend

India: Island stay

Greenpalm Homes, Chennamkary village, Alleppey, India; 011-91-477-2724497; e-mail [email protected]. “Adventurous travelers have an opportunity to stay in paradise at Greenpalm Homes on an island in southern India. Rent a room and explore the Kerala backwaters. The proprietor speaks excellent English and is very knowledgeable. Excellent food. Rooms have private baths and showers.” Doubles from $34.80 per night.

Francie Hansen

Newport Beach


Missouri: Victorian mansion

Park Avenue Mansion Bed & Breakfast, 2007 Park Ave., St. Louis 63104; (866) 588-9004, “Wonderful, renovated Victorian home in historic Lafayette Square district of St. Louis made us feel like we were stepping into the past. Four stories with a large, terraced garden. Sumptuous breakfasts. We enjoyed it so much we stayed two extra days.” Doubles from $89.

Theo A. Lentz


Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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