
Political Correctness Can Silence the Truth

Re “The World Stood Silent as Amin Worked His Evil,” letters, Aug. 21: The response of The Times (Aug. 16-17) and your correspondents to the death of former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin has been of great interest. However, let’s put this view in perspective. As one who spent three years working as a physician in West Africa (Nigeria and Ghana), both in a mission hospital and teaching at a medical school (University of Ibadan), I can attest that when one did speak out, whether about Amin, the war in Biafra, the Congo or whatever, one was labeled a “racist,” a “fascist pig” or worse.

It is a sorry commentary on our contemporary “politically correct” society that, even today, one cannot discuss substantive issues without being accused of ulterior motives.

Lawrence D. Longo MD

