
Filling a void

REGARDING “22% of Americans Get News From Talk Jocks” (by Steve Carney, Jan. 10): I think former talk show host Michael Jackson found the results of the Gallup Poll “extremely sad” because he has been unable to maintain his 1960s-era ratings since his demise at KABC.

Jackson’s familiar brand of limousine liberalism could be found every day on the three major television networks, tax-subsidized PBS, and -- with all due respect -- in The Times.

My only quarrel with the comment by Robin Bertolucci, director of AM programming for the company that owns KFI-AM (640), that conservatives “chafe on their perception of mainstream news outlets as the gatekeepers of information” is that the perception has been reality for years. Rush Limbaugh, the Fox News Channel and others filled a necessary void, and the Michael Jacksons of the radio world still haven’t figured that out.


Robert McArthur

Mar Vista
