
Major League Baseball Isn’t ‘Joe Millionaire’

Some of your readers seem to have taken it personally that Brad Fullmer had to take a cut in salary, and, as a result, will make only $1 million next season.

I, on the other hand, take it as a healthy sign that the baseball owners may finally be coming to their senses. I had wondered when they would wake up and notice that the movies pay millions of dollars to the stars, but not to the supporting players. It’s not enough that you be a fine actor (Jim Broadbent, Bob Hoskins, Christopher Walken), you have to sell tickets (Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington) if you want to make the big bucks.

Isn’t it high time that everybody realized that players such as A-Rod, Sammy Sosa and Randy Johnson pay their own way because fans come out to see them, whereas such guys as Brad Fullmer, Eric Karros and Kevin Brown merely fill out the roster?


Burt Prelutsky

North Hills
