
Republicans’ Cuts; Democrats’ Taxes

I have read with care “GOP Blames Red Ink on Democrats’ ‘Waste,’ ” (July 8). I have added up all the “waste” that is mentioned in the article. It comes out to less than $2 billion. That means that after cutting kindergarten, health programs, the California Arts Council (less than 0.02% of the $38-billion shortfall), welfare, etc., the Republicans still have to come up with $36 billion in cuts if they are to balance the budget without any increase in taxes. Do the Republicans know how to do sums?

Walter Maya



Democrats in the state Legislature must suffer from tunnel vision, because the only way they see to solve a $38-billion budget deficit is to increase taxes. Gov. Gray Davis in particular seems to suffer from a condition that caused him to lose his common sense. How else would you explain the fact that he signed budgets that increased spending beyond what the state was receiving in revenue? Years of wasteful spending have left Democrats with a budget deficit hangover. Unfortunately, it’s the people who are expected to live with the headache of paying more taxes.

Davis and the Democrats have done a terrible job governing, and they don’t seem to understand that the only remedy for our troubled state is to cut spending. I applaud Republicans who refuse to vote for a budget that increases taxes.


Harris Hall

