
Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East

“Many Disillusioned by Jordan’s ‘Democracy’ ” (July 22) should be required reading at the White House and State Department.

It clearly documents that if the state of Jordan had a democracy of the people, then Jordan’s friendship with the United States and the peace treaty with the state of Israel would disappear overnight. One may rationally conclude that democracy cannot save the Middle East at this time.

Right now the Middle East needs good-hearted, fair-minded, peace-seeking, live-and-let-live leaders to allow the region to live and develop in peace. Democracy would express the will of the people who are steeped in extremist, hating, religious ideologies where vengeance is much more important than welfare.


On the other hand, fair, rational and objective people can put the welfare of the community above hatred and vengeance and produce peace and prosperity.

Bernard Lindner

Los Angeles
