
Tax Cut Calls Attention to Nation’s Priorities

As one of those hard-working average Americans in the top 1% of wage earners, I can’t tell you how happy I am to be saving a few thousand dollars in taxes this year (May 29). What a waste it would be to spend this money on health care or education!

Now I can buy myself yet another expensive wristwatch or a fourth computer. Shame on George W. Bush.

Bruce R. Feldman

Santa Monica


Here is a suggestion for those who feel very strongly that President Bush’s tax cut is the wrong thing to do. When you receive your check, simply endorse it to the U.S. Treasury and send it directly to Bush at the White House. If he receives enough of these endorsed checks he will realize just how out of touch he is with the American people. Or, if you’d rather, endorse it to the bureaucracy of your choice; with looming deficits in all areas and budget cuts sure to come, help out the government service or pension plan that you like best.


Alternatively, you could endorse it to the state of California and send it to Sacramento. California’s budget could certainly use the help.

Tim Arehart

Villa Park


It’s not a tax cut if it has to be paid back, with interest.

David Pierce

Santa Monica
