
Bush Chooses Enemies for Political Effect

“If You Take the First Hit, You’re Dead” (Commentary, June 10) stands history and logic on its head. President Bush chose to attack Iraq not because Iraq represented a threat but because it did not, and indeed was so vulnerable that it could be surrounded, presented with ultimatums and attacked on a well-publicized timetable with no risk to the U.S. and little risk to anyone else. Meanwhile, North Korea, a real problem, was effectively ignored and allowed to restart its nuclear program.

Bush had better hope the Chinese have become sufficiently disenchanted with North Korea that they will control Kim Jong Il, for Bush’s bull-in-a-china-shop approach to dealing with “rogue nations” will only set North Asia ablaze. The administration would much prefer that the next opponent be Iran, and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, et al, are biding their time so that the war can be timed for maximum effect on the elections of November 2004.

Charles Valentine

Nashua, N.H.
