
Severance Package for LAUSD Lawyer

Re “Top L.A. Unified Attorney Is Fired,” June 10: When a school district seemingly as poor as the L.A. Unified School District fires a man and grants him a severance package of more than $342,000 I begin to wonder who gave him this contract and how many others like it are out there. It is criminal that this type of situation exists while programs are being cut and school employees are being told that they will be furloughed to cut expenses. Now the district may use more private firms to do its legal chores, at a greater expense.

Nice trade-off. Cut programs, put more children in each class, hire more “advisors” and cut health benefits for the employees to save money for contracts like Harold Kwalwasser received or go to the private sector for legal work. Bottom line. What do the kids get from all this?

Ira Kaplan

Woodland Hills
