
Money and Politics

Re “A Wealth of Presidential Contenders,” June 14: Who’s surprised there are millionaires in Congress? The fact that there are wealthy people in Congress should come as no surprise to anyone with common sense. How much does it cost to run for any office in America? You have to be willing to put up at least $50,000 to run for city council in many towns across the nation.

How much does it cost to run for Congress and president? Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) is running on the Democratic ticket. His platform is to speak for the people. He has assets of $2,000 to $32,000. Why do you think very few have heard of him? It’s money, or lack of. Look at the recall of our governor and who’s bankrolling it so he can run. It’s money, folks.

Eileen Murphy

Huntington Beach
