
Senior’s Loss of Home Elicits Sarcasm, Anger

Re “Home Lost Over Tax Bill of $546,” Feb. 17:

Since when is The Times sympathetic to a tax dodger like Terrell Dotson? The Times and its readers consistently berate any sort of tax relief in favor of bigger and more greedy government. Why change now? In the eyes of The Times, a tax scofflaw deserves everything the long arm of the law can do to punish such arrogant behavior.

Jack Groendal

Mission Viejo


When we read the article about Terrell Dotson, we were infuriated! The system is really sick when an 85-year-old can be cheated out of his home because of unpaid property taxes.

There has to be some kind of safety net on these taxes, especially for older citizens. The tax collector’s office claims it had done everything it should have according to the law. Nonsense. How about a review committee (there is one for everything else) for senior citizens with past due taxes, to ascertain the circumstances of the situation.


Conrad and

Maidie Hohener

Santa Ana
