
Neighbor Won’t Back Irvine Bid to Annex Jail

Re “Irvine Plan to Annex Musick Jail Opposed,” Feb. 19:

Thank you to The Times’ Jean Pasco for the heads-up on the inclusion of the James Musick jail in the Great Park plan.

Why should I, as a representative of the citizens of Lake Forest, support Irvine in this land grab? Was it not the majority of the Irvine City Council who turned their backs on a rational compromise agreement with the sheriff over the future expansion of the jail just a year ago?

I thank Supervisor Tom Wilson and the sheriff for their stance against this proposition. The only power Lake Forest citizens have in this issue is with the county, where we elect the sheriff and a supervisor. If Musick is placed in Irvine, we in Lake Forest who bear the impacts of Musick today and for the future would be politically voiceless.


Marcia Rudolph

Lake Forest councilwoman
