
Another Case of Falling Through the Ice

American jingoism continues, as you make fun of other country’s traditional sports [1,000 Words’ Worth, March 3]. Curling has a much longer and more interesting history than any phony U.S. sport, from beach volleyball to lacrosse, from Clipper basketball to L.A. NFL football.

Jack Monderer

Los Angeles

While we as Canadians may joke a little about the national sport of curling, it is not a sport that has little or no following ... which rebuts your comment that “no reason was given as to why people are in the stands watching.”

In the United States, there are more than 15,000 curlers on more than 135 clubs. It became an Olympic sport at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.


Please do your homework before you make flip comments on a sport you know nothing about.

Craig M. Renwick

Los Angeles
