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What: “Beyond The Glory: Oscar De La Hoya”

When: Fox Sports Net, Sunday, 8 p.m.

Oscar De La Hoya speaks candidly about his life in a revealing profile that takes you from his childhood in East Los Angeles to last year’s bout against Fernando Vargas.

His toughest battles have not always been in the ring. His mother’s death from cancer and the strained relationship with his father Joel were early indications that the Golden Boy’s life wasn’t free of conflict.


Fame followed De La Hoya after he won a gold medal at the 1992 Olympics, but he acknowledges that he didn’t always know how to handle stardom.

“Things got out of control,” he said. “They just got out of hand.”

De La Hoya’s good looks and charisma helped ease criticism of his lifestyle, but even loyal fans questioned his dedication to the sport after he lost to Felix Trinidad and chose to record an album before fighting Shane Mosley, a fight he lost.

Dealing with losing was not easy. De La Hoya remembers going to the locker room in shock after losing to Trinidad.


“I just went crazy. I started crying,” he said.

De La Hoya indicates his desire for a rematch with Mosley, which appears to be set for later this year.

“It’s just something I have to do,” he said.

“I just have to get revenge before I retire.”
