
Reading award auras

Jacqueline Stallone

Astrologer, owns psychic dogs

Astrologer and mother of Sylvester, Jacqueline Stallone candidly confesses that she hasn’t seen any of this year’s Oscar-nominated films. In fact, she and her psychic dogs, miniature pinschers Rachel and Hannah, have stayed away from the theaters except to see “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” which Stallone says was “overrated.” But that didn’t stop her from telepathically consulting with the girls on this year’s winners. “My dogs are very good,” she says. “They’ve come up with everything right so far.” (A look back shows that the dogs accurately picked George Bush to win over Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election.) The canine picks are: best picture, “The Pianist”; best actor, Jack Nicholson; best actress, Nicole Kidman; best supporting actor, Paul Newman; best supporting actress, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Kenny Kingston


A graveyardful of dead celebrities turned up at Kenny Kingston’s Oscar seance last weekend to share their absentee votes, by the psychic’s account. It was a lively night, he says. Marilyn Monroe sounded a loud “crack” and voted Julianne Moore as best actress. Richard Harris, the newest member of the group, put his bid in for Daniel Day-Lewis to win best actor. Bette Davis complained about Catherine Zeta-Jones’ commercial appearances and said she hopes Kathy Bates beats her for best supporting actress. Cary Grant, whose presence was noted after an airplane flew over the house, expects a tie in the best supporting actor category between Chris Cooper and Ed Harris. Charlie Chaplin weighed in on the best director category, predicting Roman Polanski would win. And for the grand finale, “a male figure dressed in blue” -- whom Kingston identified as Elvis Presley -- appeared and predicted “Chicago” would win best picture. “We get the names,” Kingston says of his seances. “I never believe in what people who are alive vote for.”

Joyce Jillson


It’s a good year for Aquarians, says Joyce Jillson, one of Nancy Reagan’s favorite astrologers. She also predicts an Oscar night that rewards veteran performers and technicians for their “bodies of work” as opposed to individual projects -- thanks to Mars in Capricorn. Aquarian Nicole Kidman will likely win best actress, and fellow water-bearer Paul Newman will win for best supporting actor. In the best actor category, Venus-ruled Taureans Jack Nicholson and Daniel Day-Lewis have the edge. However, Mars in “tradition-bound” Capricorn tonight means Nicholson is better positioned to win. Libra Catherine Zeta-Jones is favored by the stars to win best supporting actress. Jillson says her competitors in that category, Cancer natives Kathy Bates and Meryl Streep, have not yet played their most challenging roles, but have opportunities in the next year for another shot at a statuette. And finally, best picture is destined to be “Chicago,” Jillson predicts, “as its composite sign Libra is ruled by the planet of rewards and trophies, Venus.”


Dana Haynes


This year’s Academy Awards mark a new beginning for Taurean Daniel Day-Lewis and Piscean Queen Latifah, both of whom astrologer Dana Haynes predicts will bring home Oscars, due to the influence of tonight’s Sagittarius Moon. Not only will Day-Lewis beat Jack Nicholson for best actor, but the win will rejuvenate his career. “And it’s only going to get better,” says Hanes, whose clients include Rod Stewart, Merv Griffin and George Hamilton. The position of Jupiter in Leo “plays off” Latifah’s astrological chart, resulting in a win despite the actress’ Mercury-Saturn square, says Haynes. Sagittarian Ed Harris will win best supporting actor, she says, and receive “even better opportunities this fall.” In the best actress category, Haynes says the planets favor both Aquarian Nicole Kidman and Taurean Renee Zellweger, but Zellweger is more likely to win. “The planets are just one shade better than Nicole Kidman’s,” she says.
