What in the world is up with these radical maps?
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When I’m stuck at home, I spend a great deal of time looking at maps, plotting my next move, imagining trips I will never take, rediscovering the location of the Caspian Sea or just admiring the marvelous planet that is our world. I seldom wonder about how the maps were made and rarely question their veracity because they seem as rock-solid as the dictionary.
How, then, did Greenland get so much smaller on certain maps about 20 years ago? Did a volcano erupt or did the ocean level rise, submerging vast parts of it?
As it turns out, there was no cataclysm. Greenland shrank in 1983 because of the introduction of a new world map, commonly called the Peters Projection. It was popularized by Arno Peters, a German historian and filmmaker who died in December.
The map attempted to correct misapprehensions about the size and shape of landmasses promulgated by other world maps, including the Mercator, originally devised in 1569 as an aid to mariners. That’s the image I’ve carried around in my head since my fifth-grade geography teacher unrolled it with a snap.
But maps aren’t as definitive as we think, which is important for a traveler to remember. There are many ways to show the world, each with its own virtues and deficiencies.
Allen Carroll, chief cartographer for the National Geographic Society, says that the best and truest representation of the world is a globe. But you can’t put a globe in your pocket or, at a reasonable cost, make one big enough to be seen by the young geography student in the back row.
Cartographers have been pondering for centuries how to turn the three-dimensional globe into an image on a two-dimensional piece of paper, which is like trying to flatten an orange peel.
“Something has to give,” says Jeannine Schonta, a Rand McNally cartographer. “You can’t show the world as it truly is. There are always some distortions.”
Peters, something of a mad inventor who also promoted a new way of writing world history that gave equal weight to each century regardless of what happened, was most perturbed by the out-of-proportion size and central positioning of Europe and North America on Mercator maps.
He saw these as ethnocentric distortions that relegated Africa, South America and much of the rest of the developing world to positions of unimportance. So he developed what he considered a fairer equal-area map that accurately represents areas according to their relative size. Thus, 1 square inch on the map equals a constant number of square miles on the ground.
Ward L. Kaiser, former publisher of the Friendship Press, which introduced the Peters map in America, says the map is used by relief agencies, churches, schools and the United Nations. More than 85 million copies are in circulation worldwide, says Howard Bronstein, president of Massachusetts-based ODT Inc., now the chief U.S. distributor of the Peters map.
In 2001, it was even featured on NBC’s “The West Wing,” presented to the president’s staff by a group of cartographers agitating for the use of more socially equitable maps in public schools. On the TV show, the president’s staff was aghast at the sight of the Peters map, the same reaction American cartographers had in the early ‘80s. They loathed its distortion of landmasses, its flattening out of Greenland and Antarctica and elongation of Africa and South America.
The Peters Projection is bound to look odd and slightly ridiculous to anyone who grew up studying Mercator maps. As the controversy grew, it became a battle between the Peters and the Mercator.
“The pro-Peters crowd used the Mercator as a straw map -- it’s obviously a poor choice for a general world map -- in order to make the Peters map more appealing,” says Mark Monmonier, the author of “Drawing the Line: Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy” and a geography professor at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. “In so doing, they deliberately ignored numerous world maps that are clearly superior.”
These come with a slew of mind-boggling names, from Mollweide’s pseudocylindrical projection to the Gall Stereographic.
The National Geographic Society and Rand McNally use projection styles based on complicated mathematical calculations that are, in effect, compromises between Peters and Mercator, according to cartographers at both companies. This summer, the U.S. Geological Survey will release the results of a sophisticated computer-based study identifying projections with a minimum of distortions, says USGS research geographer E. Lynn Usery.
Few mapmakers use the Mercator projection now, though old Mercator wall maps are still common in some schools. ODT Inc. continues to distribute Peters maps widely, along with such other nontraditional eye-openers as its “What’s Up? South!” map, on which the North and South poles are reversed to challenge assumptions about up and down (which, of course, don’t exist from outer space).
Maps, it seems, can be endlessly manipulated, which is why cartographers like Monmonier recommend the use of several kinds in schools. That’s also good advice for travelers on their mental journeys around the world.