
California Legislators Lack the Work Ethic

Isn’t it comforting to know that our state lawmakers are hard at work in Sacramento (“Legislative Sessions Canceled,” March 21)? Our country is at war, so Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson (D-Culver City) and Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) sent everybody home. Wesson said everyone should be home with their sons and daughters to calm their fears. Burton’s reason was the lawmakers’ preoccupation with the war. It seems that our California lawmakers would do anything rather than work at the job they were sent to Sacramento to do.

One action was taken in both houses. Sessions were changed to “check-in,” allowing lawmakers to collect their $125-per-day expense allowance. Gentlemen, shame on you!

James W. Flaxington



It’s just about the best excuse since “my dog ate my homework.” If only we could all stay home from work and collect $125 tax-free because “the country ‘is at war’ and [we] should go home and be with [our] families.” Our elected officials’ lack of a work ethic is truly frightening.


Judy Weinstein

Sherman Oaks
