
LAX Security Plan Needs Rethinking

Re “Plan to Hike Security at LAX Faulted,” May 15: I’m guessing the D in Mayor James Hahn’s Alternative D proposal stands for dimwitted. It doesn’t take a Rand study, or more pointedly, $22.6 million in consulting fees, to figure out that putting a Band-Aid costing $8 billion to $10 billion on LAX will not solve all of its ills and potential threats.

Why can’t Los Angeles do what most large cities have already done with their airports? Move it outside of the city. Relocation would not only address the security issue but also some other very real threats to our city -- congestion and pollution. What would the city do with the empty coastal real estate if LAX were moved? Well, parkland and trees don’t pollute the air or congest the city. Let’s try to think outside the burg on this one.

Paul Batcheller

Manhattan Beach
