
The complete list of winners

Here is the full list of winners from the 55th annual nighttime Emmy Awards. It includes both the awards handed out on Fox Sunday night and those that were bestowed on Sept. 13. The Emmys are awarded by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and cover programming between June 1, 2002 and May 31, 2003.


Comedy series

“Everybody Loves Raymond,” CBS.

Drama series

“The West Wing,” NBC.


“Steven Spielberg Presents Taken,” Sci Fi.


“Door to Door,” TNT.

Variety, music or comedy series

“The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” Comedy Central.

Variety, music or comedy special

“Cher: The Farewell Tour,” NBC.

Classical music-dance program

“Lincoln Center Theater: Contact (Live From Lincoln Center),” PBS.

Children’s program

“Through a Child’s Eyes: September 11, 2001,” HBO.

Nonfiction special (traditional)

“Benjamin Franklin,” PBS.

Nonfiction series (traditional)

“American Masters,” PBS.

Nonfiction program (alternative)

“Cirque du Soleil Fire Within,” Bravo.

Reality/competition program

“The Amazing Race,” CBS.

Animated program (one hour or less)

“The Simpsons (Three Gays of the Condo),” Fox.

Animated program (one hour or more)

“Chased by Dinosaurs,” Discovery Channel.


“Fish,” PBS, Independent Media, Fallon.


Actor, comedy series

Tony Shalhoub, “Monk,” USA.

Actor, drama series

James Gandolfini, “The Sopranos,” HBO.

Actor, miniseries or movie

William H. Macy, “Door to Door,” TNT.

Actress, comedy series

Debra Messing, “Will & Grace,” NBC.

Actress, drama series

Edie Falco, “The Sopranos,” HBO.

Actress, miniseries or movie

Maggie Smith, “My House in Umbria,” HBO.

Supporting actor, comedy series

Brad Garrett, “Everybody Loves Raymond,” CBS.

Supporting actor, drama series

Joe Pantoliano, “The Sopranos,” HBO.

Supporting actor, miniseries or movie

Ben Gazzara, “Hysterical Blindness,” HBO.

Supporting actress, comedy series

Doris Roberts, “Everybody Loves Raymond,” CBS.

Supporting actress, drama series

Tyne Daly, “Judging Amy,” CBS.

Supporting actress, miniseries or movie

Gena Rowlands, “Hysterical Blindness,” HBO.

Guest actor, comedy series

Gene Wilder, “Will & Grace,” NBC.

Guest actor, drama series

Charles S. Dutton, “Without a Trace,” CBS.

Guest actress, comedy series

Christina Applegate, “Friends,” NBC.

Guest actress, drama series

Alfre Woodard, “The Practice,” ABC.

Individual performance, variety or music program

Wayne Brady, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” ABC.

Voiceover performance

Hank Azaria, “The Simpsons (Moe Baby Blues),” Fox.


Comedy series

Robert B. Weide, “Curb Your Enthusiasm (Krazee-Eyez Killa),” HBO.

Drama series

Christopher Misiano, “The West Wing (25),” NBC.

Variety, music or comedy program

Glenn Weiss, “The 56th Annual Tony Awards,” CBS.

Miniseries, movie or a dramatic special

Steven Schachter, “Door to Door,” TNT.

Nonfiction programming

Stanley Nelson, “American Experience (The Murder of Emmett Till),” PBS.


Comedy series

Tucker Cawley, “Everybody Loves Raymond (Baggage),” CBS.

Drama series

David Chase, Robin Green, Mitchell Burgess, “The Sopranos (Whoever Did This),” HBO.

Variety, music or comedy program

David Javerbaum, Steve Bodow, Eric Drysdale, J.R. Havlan, Tom Johnson, Ben Karlin, Chris Regan, Jason Reich, Jason Ross, Jon Stewart, “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” Comedy Central.

Miniseries, movie or dramatic special

William H. Macy, Steven Schachter, “Door to Door,” TNT.

Nonfiction programming

Michelle Ferrari, “American Experience (Seabiscuit),” PBS.

Art Direction

Multi-camera series

Glenda Rovello, Melinda Ritz, “Will & Grace (24),” NBC.

Single-camera series

Aaron Osborne, Jeannie Gunn, “Without a Trace (Birthday Boy),” CBS.

Miniseries, movie or special

Marek Dobrowski, Martin Martinek, Albrecht Konrad, Karel Vanasek, “Hitler: The Rise of Evil (Part 1),” CBS.


Variety or music program

Roy Christopher, Greg Richman, Tamlyn Wright, Keaton Walker, “75th Annual Academy Awards,” ABC.


Multi-camera series

Tony Askins, “Will & Grace (Sex, Losers and Videotape),” NBC.

Single-camera series

Michael D. O’Shea, “CSI: Miami (The Simple Man),” CBS.

Miniseries or movie

Donald M. Morgan, “Out of the Ashes,” Showtime.

Nonfiction programming

John Armstrong, “Nova (Mountain of Ice),” PBS.


Comedy series

Jennifer McNamara, “Sex and the City,” HBO.

Drama series

Junie Lowry Johnson, Libby Goldstein, “Six Feet Under,” HBO.

Miniseries, movie or special

John Papsidera, “Live From Baghdad,” HBO.


Sandra Bezic, Michael Seibert, Christopher Dean, A.C. Ciulla, Jamie Isley, “Smucker’s Stars on Ice,” A&E.;



Chrisi Karvonides Dushenko, Christine Burrows, “American Dreams (Where the Boys Are),” NBC.


Miniseries, movie or special

Pierre-Jean Larroque, Nathalie Chesnais, “Napoleon (Part 2),” A&E.;

Variety or music program

Bob Mackie, Hugh Durrant, “Cher: The Farewell Tour,” NBC.

Picture Editing

Single-camera, drama series

Chris Willingham, “24 (5-6 a.m.),” Fox.

Single-camera, comedy series

Mark Scheib, Steve Welch, “Malcolm in the Middle (If Boys Were Girls),” Fox.

Single-camera, miniseries,

movie or special

Joe Hutshing, “Live From Baghdad,” HBO.

Multi-camera, series

Ron Volk, “Frasier (Rooms With a View),” NBC.

Multi-camera, miniseries,

movie or special

Debra Light, Tim Preston, Barry A. O’Brien, “AFI’s 100 Years ... 100 Passions: America’s Greatest Love Stories,” CBS.

Nonfiction programming

Aaron Lubarsky, “Journeys With George,” HBO.


Series (non-prosthetic)

Angela Nogaro, Diana Brown, Kaori Turner, “Alias (The Counteragent),” ABC.

Series (prosthetic)

Kristina Vogel, Kevin Haney, “Primetime Glick (Episode 301),” Comedy Central.

Miniseries, movie or special (non-prosthetic)

Hallie D’Amore, Linda Melazzo, Dorothy Pearl, “Normal,” HBO.

Miniseries, movie or special (prosthetic)

Mathew Mungle, Charles Porlier, Jayne Dancose, “Door to Door,” TNT.


Music composition for a series

(dramatic underscore)

Sean Callery, “24 (10-11 p.m.),” Fox.

Music composition for a miniseries,

movie or special (dramatic underscore)

Bruce Broughton, “Eloise at the Plaza,” ABC.

Music direction

Bill Conti, “75th Annual Academy Awards,” ABC.

Music and lyrics

David Foster, Linda Thompson, “Aren’t They All Our Children” from “The Concert for World Children’s Day,” ABC.

Main title theme music

Jeff Beal, “Monk,” USA.

Sound Editing


Mace Matiosian, David Van Slyke, Ruth Adelman, Jivan Tahmizian, Sheri Ozeki, Joseph Sabella, Zane Bruce, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Fight Night),” CBS.


Miniseries, movie or special

Tom Bjelic, Paul Shikata, Rob Bertola, John Douglas Smith, Garrett Kerr, Anthony Currie, Allan Fung, Craig Pettigrew, Donna G. Powell, Marina Adam, “Hitler: The Rise of Evil (Part 1),” CBS.

Nonfiction programming

David Kitchens, Ben Zarai, Bino Espinoza, Eric Lalicata, Chris McDonough, Alex D’Lerma, Dino Herrmann, “James Cameron’s Expedition: Bismarck,” Discovery Channel.

Single-camera sound mixing, series

Doug Davey, Adam Sawelson, Dave Concors, James Clark, “ER (Chaos Theory),” NBC.

Single-camera sound mixing,

miniseries or movie

Rick Ash, Adam Jenkins, Drew Webster, Jim Tanenbaum, “Live From Baghdad,” HBO.

Multi-camera sound mixing,

series or special

Kathy Oldham, Rick Himot, Brentley Walton, “Everybody Loves Raymond (She’s the One),” CBS.

Sound mixing, variety,

music series or special

Ed Greene, Randy Ezratty, John Harris, Jay Vicari, Richard Maitland, Mikael Stewart, Ron Reeves, “The 45th Annual Grammy Awards,” CBS.

Sound mixing, nonfiction programming

Peter Waggoner, “American Masters (Joni Mitchell: Woman of Heart and Mind),” PBS.



Cheri Ruff, Soo Sin Yoon, Paulette Pennington, “American Dreams (I Want to Hold Your Hand),” NBC.

Miniseries, movie or special

Julie McHaffie, “Door to Door,” TNT.

Visual Effects


Loni Peristere, Kristen Leigh Branan, Emile Smith, Rocco Passionino, Lee Stringer, Kyle Toucher, Jarrod Davis, Terry Naas, Chris Jones, “Firefly (Serenity),” Fox.

Miniseries, movie or special

Ernest Farino, Tim McHugh, Vit Komrzy, Andrew Harlow, Cris Zapara, Don L. McCoy, Barry Howell, Michael F. Hoover, Glenn Campbell, “Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune (Part 1),” Sci Fi.


Stunt Coordination

Jeff Habberstad, “Alias (The Telling),” ABC; Dick Ziker, “Fastlane (Asslane),” Fox.

Technical Direction

Camerawork, video for series

Steven Cimino, John Pinto, Richard B. Fox, Brian Phraner, Michael Bennett, Jimmy Mott, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, “Saturday Night Live (Host: Christopher Walken),” NBC.

Camerawork, video for miniseries, movie or special

Keith Winikoff, Barrie Dodd, Alan Beal, Derek Pennell, James Ramsay, Andy Watt, Rocky Danielson, Dave Eastwood, Tom “Scoop” Geren, Pat Gleason, Rob Palmer, Ken Patterson, Jofre Rosero, Danny Webb, David Plakos, Hector Ramirez, Lyn Noland, Jay Kulick, Ted Ashton, Chuck Reilly, “Cher: The Farewell Tour,” NBC.


Lighting direction

(electronic, multi-camera)

Robert A. Dickinson, Robert Barnhart, Andy O’Reilly, “75th Annual Academy Awards,” ABC.

Main title design

Laurent Fauchere, Antoine Tinguely, Chris Haak, “Hysterical Blindness,” HBO.

Individual achievement in animation

Scott Wills (production designer), “Samurai Jack (Episode XXV),” Cartoon Network; Dan Krall (layout artist), “Samurai Jack (Episode XXXII),” Cartoon Network; Maciek Albrecht (animator), “Through a Child’s Eyes: September 11, 2002 (‘Imagine’ and ‘Turn, Turn, Turn’),” HBO.


Softsun Lighting System; Dedolight 400 Series Lighting System; 24P HDTV Post-Production System; Panavision.

Governor’s award

Lifetime Television

Bob Hope humanitarian award

Bill Cosby
