
Comparison May Be Nasty Bit of Business

After reading Elliott Teaford’s article on Jim Boeheim [“Boeheim Is Even, Not Equal,” Jan. 11], I recoiled in disgust about the venom with which the reporter attacked the Syracuse basketball coach. Why? Because Boeheim had the audacity to pass beloved coach John Wooden on the all-time NCAA wins list. Coach Wooden, I’m sure, would be first in line to congratulate Coach Boeheim.

Though a certain Hall of Famer, Boeheim may be the most underrated coach in history. He may look frumpy, but he wins 75% of his games. He may not be Coach Wooden, but who is? And unfortunately for Teaford, it looks as if he may be around for a long time.

Jim Gallagher

Los Angeles


Elliott Teaford’s slam at Jim Boeheim is over the top. He doesn’t like Boeheim because his glasses slide around and he doesn’t smile like a movie star. Boeheim’s a good coach, he has been to the NCAA final three times, finally winning last year.


Boeheim has to be one of the greatest recruiters in college basketball history. Has Teaford ever spent a winter in Syracuse? I spent 25 winters there and it ain’t paradise. Boeheim knows he’s not in John Wooden’s class -- nobody is -- but speaking of class, Teaford could use some.

Oh, as to comparisons, I doubt anyone will ever compare Teaford to Jim Murray!

Bernie Connors

