
Corporate Mergers Will Hurt the Customers

Am I the only one in the country concerned about all the mega-mergers in the business world? Banks, oil companies, grocery stores merging seem to be the order of the day in the corporate world. And now Federated Stores is buying Robinsons-May department stores (Feb. 28). What about our world? What about our freedom of choice? All these mega-mergers do is eliminate the competition and force the general public to do business with one or two companies.

By eliminating the competition, these mega crooks can set prices at whatever they wish. Whatever happened to the Sherman Antitrust Act? Are there so many loopholes in it that it has become useless legislation?

We need to contact whoever needs to be contacted in order to close the loopholes and give some power back to the consumer -- that is, if the consumer actually wants the power. A silent public is easily manipulated.


Speak up, Los Angeles, and speak up, America! Your freedom of choice is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Is this what you want for your children? We have seen what a neighborhood can do to stop Wal-Mart from infringing on the immediate area. What if an entire city marched against the Federated Stores and the Mobil Oil and Kroger grocery companies? Just imagine the possibilities.

Carolyn Whitehead

Canyon Country
