
Lipari Islands: past, present and in winter

WEST of the Lipari Islands [“Return to Glorious Lipari,” Feb. 20] is the island of Ustica, about 90 miles north of Palermo. Many Lipari islanders settled Ustica after the island was opened to land-grant colonization in 1759. Readers seeking to find their Lipari ancestors will find many familiar names at an excellent genealogy-oriented website, www, which traces Lipari and Ustica families who, in turn, made the port cities of New Orleans, San Francisco and New York home.

Ustica is accessible by hydrofoil service from Palermo and is becoming popular with deep-sea divers and aquatic-sports enthusiasts.

Stan Najolia



Although the story on the Aeoli [Lipari] Islands was useful, it was at the same time a disservice to readers who might want to visit the islands this winter/spring.


The Napoli-Aeoli service that was integral to reporter Susan Spano’s trip operates only in the summer.

The best advice for travelers wishing to visit the Aeoli in winter: Fly to Palermo from LAX, take the train to Milazzo (excellent service, marvelous scenery) and then catch a winter-service ferry to and from that port and the islands.

Jean-Claude dei Fiori

Santa Cruz, N.M.
