
Chutzpah can lead to a chupah

I just read Sharon Lynn Bear’s column [“You Know It’s Serious When It Goes Offline,” Feb. 9]. It was terrific and I want to join others in wishing you and Jonathan a very bright future.

While I no longer serve a congregation -- I was University Synagogue’s senior rabbi for 30 years -- I continue to officiate at weddings.

Within that context, I have found that at least 30% of those couples with whom I stand under a chupah have met through JDate.

What is surprising is the fact that non-Jews are now turning to JDate to meet prospective spouses. This is particularly so among non-Jewish women seeking Jewish husbands, and non-Jewish men are now following suit.


Some sociologist/psychologist will look at this phenomenon and plunge into a study before telling us what it means. My take is that we Jews want to believe that we are terrific husbands/wives, and non-Jews hope that it is so!


Los Angeles
