
Surfing the Web for new music, video...


Surfing the Web for new music, video and MP3 downloads can be a serious time investment. Picks from The Times staff and contributors will help take the drag out of click-and-drag music choices. Some downloads may contain explicit lyrics. All are free, except as noted.

“Melo Do Tobaco”

Bonde Do Role

Alice in Chains’ heavy metal treatise on alienation and godlessness, “Man in the Box,” might not seem like the go-to song to sample for a dance floor hit. But Brazilian Baile Funk trailblazers Bonde Do Role -- two DJs and a female MC signed to super-producer Diplo’s Mad Decent label -- mash up the track with bongo drums and 808 beats, making it funky (and a whole lot of fun) Carioca style.


“Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)”

Willie Nelson

Just in time for “Brokeback Mountain’s” Oscar race ubiquity, Nelson retools Texan singer-songwriter Ned Sublette’s 1981 gay cowboy anthem (previously covered by the punk rock group Pansy Division) as a Tex-Mex guitar ballad. “What did you think all them saddles and boots was about?” Nelson tremulously croons, “Inside every cowboy, there’s a lady who’d love to slip out.” Cost: 99 cents.



“Mind’s Eye”



This Aussie trio showcases a sonic grandeur and freewheeling song structure that has earned them deserving comparisons with Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Fittingly, the video for “Mind’s Eye” -- in which Wolfmother kicks out the jam in the middle of a California desert -- proves to be as epic and viscerally direct as dinosaur rock itself.


“In My Arms”


Whacked together on a Mac G4 by Myles MacInnes (aka Mylo) from Scotland’s Isle of Skye, this is big beat electronica a la Royksopp or Basement Jaxx, with a bassline proudly shanghaied from Kim Carnes’ “Bette Davis Eyes.” Cost: 99 cents.


“Dirt Beneath My Nails”

David Serby

Serby’s brand of alt-country is coffeehouse smart and roadhouse rough. But “Dirt” is about a workingman’s romantic anguish. “All I have is dust, sweat, love and lust,” the South Pasadenan sings, “There ain’t no diamonds in the dirt beneath my nails.”



“Strip Pour Moi”



Even if you can’t understand French, vive la difference! These Parisian rappers (think: a Gallic version of the Beastie Boys circa 1987) spew ribald rhymes over a “whispered” instrumental track that pays homage to Atlanta hitmaker Mr. Collipark and his “intimate club” sound.
