
Investigate those doing the spying

Re Justice Department’s investigation of NSA spying leak, Dec. 31

Although it’s important to keep state secrets that are legal from getting out, when a state secret is not legal, as in the abusive case of the National Security Agency wiretapping private citizens, the government should go after those who committed the crime, not those who expose the crime.

The goal of this government is not protecting the American dream, it’s to further its own power, greed and selfishness. The secretive NSA spying is “secretive” only to honest American citizens. Those who would really be plotting against America would already be suspicious, if not already knowledgeable, that this administration would be eavesdropping on them.

This president creates laws that suit only him. The last I heard there was a triumvirate of power: The legislative, judicial and executive branches -- checks and balances.



Los Angeles
