
Hollywood isn’t the bad guy in content flap

Your Dec. 30 editorial, “Congressional copycats,” regarding proposed content-protection legislation resorts to the tired and perplexing premise that Hollywood is working overtime to prevent customers from watching our movies. In fact, the bill simply corrects a technical glitch that opens the door to theft of copyrighted material by individuals with the technical savvy and disposition to do so.

It would not prevent technological innovation. To the contrary, protecting copyright will speed innovation and ensure consumers have more options for viewing programming.

The preferred approach to content-protection issues is private-sector solutions, and we have made great efforts to subject the analog-hole issue to public scrutiny and debate, particularly among technology companies. The legislation introduced in Congress reflects the output of that discussion.


The analog-hole legislation levels the playing field for manufacturers in a narrow and limited fashion. Without this legislation, movies and TV shows cannot be securely delivered to consumers in the wide variety of viewing options they desire.


Chairman and CEO

Motion Picture Assn.

of America, Washington
