
Free tax assistance in county helps families

Re “H & R Block Accused of Misleading IRA Clients,” March 16

H & R Block has been sued in class-action lawsuits involving its use of refund-anticipation loans -- high-interest loans that taxpayers take out against their tax refunds. A recent Children’s Defense Fund-California report found that state taxpayers lost $279.2 million to commercial tax preparers, with $65.7 million lost to refund-anticipation loans. The New York attorney general is accusing H & R Block of predatory practices that take money out of working families’ pockets.

Working families can get free tax preparation help in L.A. County through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites. Trained volunteers help families claim the earned income tax credit, one of the most effective tools in the fight against poverty, and provide information about savings and financial literacy.


Executive Director

Children’s Defense Fund-California

Los Angeles
