
‘The Path to 9/11’ and ABC’s intentions

Re “ABC Stands By Its 9/11 Story -- Almost,” Sept. 9

Conservatives who bring up Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” as counterbalance to ABC’s fictionalized documentary “The Path to 9/11” do not seem to recognize the difference between getting in one’s car, going to a movie theater and paying to see a movie and having a slanted, pseudo-historical “docudrama” aired on the public airways at prime time on a major network. It makes one wonder about who’s controlling what we see and hear in television and newspapers.


Yorba Linda


I’m an independent producer who feels his time has finally come. I’d love to sit the heads of production at Disney and ABC down and pitch them a couple of ideas. First, the real story of the Holocaust. I’ve got barrels full of work by reputable scholars and historians refuting the whole thing, or, at the very least, blaming it on the Jews. Second, and maybe even bigger, how slavery was actually fun for African Americans. I smell gold. Let’s do lunch.


North Hollywood
