
The aftermath of 9/11 is still a disaster

Re “Bush Politicized a Solemn Day, Democrats Say,” Sept. 13

There are two distinct aspects to the tragedy that was, and still is, 9/11.

One is the event itself, shattering in its awful intensity.

The other is the aftermath of the event, which has been in a way even more horrendous.

What has been and continues to be done, and even justified, by the Bush administration in the name of this event has, in many ways, been more terrible and long lasting than the event itself could ever have been.



Senior Patriots Against the War

Seal Beach


Can we all please stop debating whether we should have gone into Iraq? It’s too late for that. We’re there, and we were all happy to see a captured Saddam Hussein crawling out of a hole in the ground.

The problem is our administration didn’t understand the ethnic divisions within that country, didn’t anticipate the will of the insurgency, didn’t send enough troops to get the nation building done quickly, is not willing to institute a draft, can’t get enough military help from other countries -- and Halliburton getting richer off this mess doesn’t feel clean.


The Bush administration and its congressional supporters (Democrats included) should pay for this at the polls.

Meanwhile, does anyone in either party have a solution? I haven’t heard one.

Perhaps we need to train and send more than 1 million troops until the Iraqis can train 1 million of their own. Otherwise, I think it’s called a quagmire. Oh, and why don’t all the ranting supporters of this venture enlist first?




I’m sure there are many who would like to thank the Bush administration for making the world a safer place for them. Unfortunately for us, they are the terrorists.



Indian Wells, Calif.
