
Our convoluted campaign laws

Re “Campaign finance bills draw criticism,” Aug. 13

This was a good attempt to explain the unexplainable. If nothing else, it showed the convoluted condition of our campaign laws, loopholes and all. Will the electorate ever realize that it’s all a game of politics, and politicians and their big-money supporters have a great fear of real public financing of elections in California. As the governor once said, “The money comes in and the favors go out.” Where does that leave the rest of us?

The electorate continues to sit on its hands and let it happen. Public financing has done wonders for Arizona and other states that are beginning to see the light. Let’s get started and throw the rascals out so that we can elect people who are beholden to us and will represent us instead of big-money interests.

Lou Del Pozzo

Pacific Palisades
