
Iconic magazine is spoofed

From the Hartford Courant

If the contents of your latest issue of National Geographic seem a little odd -- “Top 10 Rainiest Rain Forests,” for instance -- take another look at the cover.

The title font and the border are an exact likeness of the classic magazine design, but in the right-hand corner it says, somewhat inconspicuously, “A Harvard Lampoon parody.” It did seem strange that Paris Hilton is on the cover. And, oh yeah, it’s April Fool’s Day.

“More shocking than Lindsay Lohan’s pictorial spread in New York magazine, Paris Hilton strips down as an homage to Jane Goodall in ‘Paris Hilton After Dark -- Your Wildest Animal Fantasies’ ” reads the cover. The magazine hit newsstands Tuesday.


One reason for the issue’s authentic look is that Harvard Lampoon had the cooperation of National Geographic. --

From the Hartford Courant
