

I was very excited to read your article about where cops eat [“The Best Eats on Their Beats,” March 20]. Cops do know where the best tasting, cheapest food can be found.

However, finding healthful food in certain divisions can be a challenge, especially when it has to be eaten at lightning speed, as you pointed out. The LAPD is making an effort to help the workforce deal with these challenges, particularly to start new recruits out with a good basis of nutrition and health knowledge. I know, because they hired me to help them achieve this.

PS: Although the front cover photo was of an LAPD badge, I noticed there were no interviews with LAPD officers.


Rana Parker

Los Angeles

Parker is a registered dietitian/nutritionist with the Los Angeles Police Department.


It is difficult to cover all restaurants, but perhaps you can do a supplemental story. Between the South Bay and East L.A., there are other favorite police venues, particularly the Astro Coffee Shop in Silver Lake and Palermo’s Italian Restaurant on Vermont in Los Feliz. My wife and I have been eating at these spots for more than 20 years, and the police are always part of the clientele.

Mike Miller

Los Angeles


How did you not include Tommy’s (home of the original chili burger)? I know LAPD and L.A. County sheriff’s deputies, and they all go or have gone there 24/7!

Mickey Christiason

