
Fans of ‘Swan Lake’ beg to differ

ON Aug. 6, 2006, The Times published an article by its dance critic, Lewis Segal, in which he expressed in no uncertain terms his hatred for classical ballet, beginning his vitriolic diatribe with the statement, “Right now, there’s no major ballet event on the Southland horizon, and instead of a disappointment, that’s a blessed relief.”

Well, major ballet arrived on the scene last week at the Music Center with American Ballet Theatre’s production of “Swan Lake,” and Segal was there on opening night to write a ridiculous and viciously biased review [“Back to Basics, ABT,” March 29] in which he allowed all of his hatred to be revealed, burning bright in full flame.

To assign a critic to review an art form that he despises does a great disservice to the brilliant artists involved, and to your readers. Shame on you!


Larry Yust

Los Angeles


THE only good thing about ABT’s latest engagement being so short is that there apparently wasn’t enough time for Lewis Segal’s dreadful review to affect ticket sales -- houses appeared to be sold out at all five performances. The buzz among strangers at the two performances I attended was, “What on earth was Segal talking about?”

“Back to basics, ABT”? I’d say “Back to basics, Lewis Segal.” Could my 3,200 fellow audience members who gave standing ovations both days not know what a good performance is, or could it be Segal?

Victoria Y. McIlvaine

