
This Week in Calendar

The following reviews are scheduled:

Carmela Ciuraru reviews “The House of Widows,” a novel by Askold Melnyczuk.

Joy Horowitz reviews “Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell and John D. Rockefeller” by Steve Weinberg.

Tim Rutten reviews “The Soiling of Old Glory: The Story of a Photograph That Shocked America” by Louis P. Masur.

David L. Ulin reviews “Make Room! Make Room!,” a novel by Harry Harrison.

Allan Barra reviews “A Terrible Glory: Custer and the Little Bighorn -- the Last Great Battle of the American West” by James Donovan and “Custerology: The Enduring Legacy of the Indian Wars and George Armstrong Custer” by Michael A. Elliott.


Paula L. Woods reviews “Now You See Him,” a novel by Eli Gottlieb.


On the Web

This week at

In Word Play, Sonja Bolle looks at new middle reader books on baseball: Mike Lupica’s “The Big Field” and Linda Sue Park’s “Keeping Score.”

And Nick Owchar debuts a Web-only column, The Siren’s Call: Myth and Lore. This month, Owchar writes about Jonathan Barnes’ “The Somnambulist,” which updates the golem story to Victorian London. The Siren’s Call will appear every fourth Wednesday at

Lists and blog: Look for expanded bestseller lists, excerpts and our calendar of literary events.


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