
What are we doing in Iraq?

Re “Proxy war,” editorial, April 9

The real reason we are in Iraq is Iran. As you stated, we have had it in for Iran since 1979. Iraq is a base of operations we need to have to operate clandestinely against Iran. That is why the bloodshed will continue in Iraq as long as it serves our military purpose. But of course we can’t tell that to Americans.

Raymond Rodriguez

Long Beach


What am I missing? We are told that the “surge” is a success because by adding troops, we’ve reduced casualties to an acceptable level. Nothing else has changed. I assume acceptable means that the “liberal” media no longer notice, like they didn’t notice the lack of evidence before the Iraq invasion. But if the goal is to reduce casualties, wouldn’t we do so by just bringing the troops home?

Brooks W. Wilson

Rancho Cucamonga


Re “Petraeus, Democrats square off,” April 9

Sen. Barack Obama tried to pin down Army Gen. David H. Petraeus on troop levels by saying, “When you have finite resources, you’ve got to define your goal tightly and modestly.” Since when have tax dollars been a finite resource? Oil is a finite resource, and if we exit Iraq prior to stability, U.S. motorists had better be prepared for infinite gasoline price increases and rationing.


Bob Ginn

