
Cost of inmates’ medical treatment

Re “Healthcare for prisons: $7 billion,” April 12

Seven billion dollars is too much money to go to the prison system. We have made our children sacrifice their education to balance the state’s books. Instead of sending hundreds of pink slips to California teachers, a large portion of this money should go to our schools. In my community, they are already talking of permanently closing some elementary schools because of a lack of funding. We are regressing, and the only way we can undo the damage is if our leaders reevaluate their priorities.

Christopher Davis

Newbury Park


I have a solution to fund the cost of upgrading the prison healthcare system. Let’s have Mexico pay for all the healthcare we’ve provided to its citizens who are here illegally. As an alternative, let’s send all of its citizens who are here illegally and in prison back -- that would not only save money but would help solve the overcrowding problem in our prisons.

Joe Sykora

Woodland Hills


Here’s what I’m going to do if I develop a catastrophic illness: rob a bank and leave my card.


Pepper Edmiston

Pacific Palisades
