
Doctors are treated differently

Re “Doctors got off lighter in records case,” April 12

UCLA isn’t the only one that treats doctors differently from other professionals, such as nurses. The Times seems to make a point of always printing the MD after a physician’s name in letters to the editor, but you are less diligent about placing the RN after a nurse’s name.

Is UCLA wrong in handling doctors differently from other healthcare workers? Without a doubt. Almost any nurse can regale you with firsthand experiences of this disparate treatment. However, The Times’ editors display a similar bias. Perhaps your paper can set an example.

Chris Edwards


State regulators say they take medical record snooping seriously. But as The Times previously reported, this has been recurring for more than 10 years. So apparently, like the medical board, the state Department of Public Health also refuses to enforce discipline against physicians. Nonetheless, these being illegal violations of privacy, should not the district attorney get involved?


Richard Baker

Beverly Hills
