
Bad signs

T.J. Simers really got me thinking Saturday when he mentioned the “new concession choices on the field-level concourse.” As any visitor to Dodger Stadium will notice, it is impossible to move freely from level to level.

That being said, which is more preferable: Spend $500 for a seat with access to the Canter’s stand, or, fly to Las Vegas for the weekend, stay at Treasure Island and eat at the Canter’s there, and still have money left over to place a bet on the Dodgers (to lose)? Factor in the nightmare that is the Dodger Stadium parking lot and this is a no-brainer. Vegas, here I come!

Kellie Urdang

Sherman Oaks


I tried to explain to my 10-year-old all the issues regarding letting kids who do not have box seats come down into the area behind the Dodgers dugout for autographs, and as usual he had an interesting response. “Those guys should not be doing autographs anyway, Daddy,” he said. “They should be warming up so they can win some ballgames.”


My first reaction to this comment was that he is only 10 and does not understand. Then it hit me, that he is absolutely right.

Larry and Jacob Weiner

Culver City


The Dodgers are requesting their fans send in their most thrilling moments for the team’s first 50 years in L.A. It should be the team’s first 30 years, because the only thrilling moment in the last 20 years was Jose Lima winning a playoff game. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

Stan Long

Sun City


I get lots of laughs over the Dodgers’ consistent record-setting attendance figures. Of course they set records: They keep sticking chairs in that diminishing piece of real estate known as the field.


Within the next few years the umpire will actually be seated in the first row. And he’ll have to pay $25 to park at the stadium.

Loren Paul Deck



We’ve heard so much about the Dodgers’ youth and yet the youngsters in Arizona and Colorado are so much better and seem to care so much more. The Dodgers kids aren’t going to rise from the ashes and save Uncle Ned like the Lakers kids saved Uncle Mitch. And speaking of Ned, here’s a new trivia question: Name one Uncle Ned acquisition that has worked out.

Kevin Holten

Manhattan Beach


I just gave my two-weeks notice at work. I am going into business selling fans. The most popular model will be the Andruw Jones model and will sell for $36 million.


Tom Hartnell



When is McCourt going to realize he can’t keep raising prices to offset Colletti’s blunders (Schmidt, Pierre and now Jones). The price of tickets, parking, food and drinks, make it almost financially impossible for a family of four to take in a Dodgers game. Shame on both of them.

D.C. White

Palm Desert
