Cosmetology cosmology
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I was shocked to read that horrible article about cosmetic surgery, specifically naming Priscilla Presley as someone who looks like a Picasso painting!
How could you allow such a hurtful article to be published?
Besides, it is not true.
She is still a beautiful woman, and a nice one also.
Millie Kanter
Newport Beach
MARY McNAMARA’S article can be a beginning of a crusade. People should start looking at wrinkles and sagging skin as part of the process of being alive.
Plastic surgery to the extremes is a big mistake for a serious actress. What makes a superb actress is the natural facial expression and the longevity: to be around and be able to play her part at any time.
My mahjong playmates start getting younger too and I get invited more often to new skin business proposals.
You’re a savior, Mary.
If you are going to start a crusade on “Stop Face Abuse,” please, count me in.
Shatto Light
Los Angeles
BETWEEN her article on the new TV show about soccer moms [“A Woman’s Work Is Never Done Like This,” April 12] and Sunday’s “Face Up to Life” about plastic surgery among actresses and entertainers, Mary McNamara is doing the finest writing at The Times right now.
Thank you for recognizing the wave of the future for print journalism, the personal essay combined with journalistic facts or the cultural zeitgeist.
If you want to differentiate yourself from the virtual universe and keep readers of a certain level of education and intelligence, do more of this.
Caroline A. McNabb
Costa Mesa