
For the Record - April 23, 2008

Ruben Salazar: An article in Tuesday’s California section about the U.S. Postal Service releasing a stamp in honor of Los Angeles newsman Ruben Salazar reported that he was general manager of KMEX-TV. He was news director. Also, the article quoted restaurateur Lucy Casado, whose husband was good friends with Salazar, as saying that when her husband learned of Salazar’s death he had “grabbed a stick and scratched the words ‘Ruben Salazar: 8-9-1970’” in wet cement. She actually said “8-29-1970,” the date of Salazar’s death. In addition, an image that ran on the front page and editorial page showed a Salazar stamp costing 41 cents. The image was of the stamp before a rate hike to 42 cents that takes effect in May.
