

Rankings are based on a Times poll of Southland bookstores

*--* Fiction weeks on list 1. Moscow Rules by Daniel Silva (Putnam: $26.95) 1 The death of a journalist leads Gabriel Allon to a Russian arms dealer. 2. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot 27 Diaz (Riverhead: $24.95) A sci-fi-loving nerd and his immigrant family are haunted by the past. 3. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown: 3 $19.99) In Vol. 3 of a vampire love saga, Bella must choose between her lover and a friend, life and death. 4. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David 4 Wroblewski (Ecco: $25.95) A mute dog breeder is banished by his uncle in this twist on “Hamlet.” 5. The Dangerous Days of Daniel X by James 1 Patterson and Michael Ledwidge (Little, Brown: $19.99) An alien hunter with the power to shape-shift hunts down his parents’ killer. 6. The Host by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown: 12 $25.99) Alien invaders take over the minds of humans. 7. Chasing Darkness by Robert Crais (Simon & 4 Schuster: $25.95) When a man cleared of a murder charge is found dead, Elvis Cole is called to account. 8. The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie 9 (Random House: $26) A traveler arrives at the Mughal emperor’s court with a beguiling tale. 9. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein 10 (Harper: $23.95) A dog’s-eye view of love, loyalty and sacrifice. 10. Brida by Paulo Coelho (Harper: $24.95) An 3 aspiring young Irish magician embarks on a quest for knowledge of the spiritual world. *--*

*--* Nonfiction 1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Zaslow 16 (Hyperion: $21.95) A professor’s terminal cancer inspires a call to seize life’s moments. 2. When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris 9 (Little, Brown: $25.99) Musings on life and smoking. 3. The Dark Side by Jane Mayer (Doubleday: $27.50) Mayer 2 argues that the White House amassed power in the post-9/11 state of panic to devastating results. 4. Life With My Sister Madonna by Christopher Ciccone 2 with Wendy Leigh (Simon Spotlight Entertainment: $26) A brother’s tale of life with the famous entertainer. 5. Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea by Chelsea 13 Handler (Simon Spotlight: $24.95) The talk-show host skewers family and work. 6. Goodnight Bush by Erich Origen and Gan Golan (Little, 2 Brown: $14.99) A parody of the children’s classic “Goodnight Moon.” 7. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Beyond Words: $23.95) 83 Life’s secrets, distilled from oral tradition, literature, religion and philosophy. 8. The Soloist by Steve Lopez (Putnam: $25.95) The Times 13 columnist befriends a homeless musician. 9. Fleeced by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann (Harper: 5 $26.95) How the average American is being sold out. 10. You: Staying Young by Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. 15 Oz (Free Press: $26) Doctors explain how the body ages and how to counter those effects. *--*
