
Some Dodgers news to help Mike get well

SAN FRANCISCO -- Just got word that Mike Yoshizaki, an avid Dodgers fan, which already suggests he has problems, is in the USC University Hospital.

Two weeks ago, Mike suffered what doctors later would call a “Tim Russert-type heart attack.”

Some hard-working Orange paramedics brought Mike back with heroic work, though, along with Mike’s cooperation -- nobody surprised because Mike is a loyal Trojans fan, so he had no choice but to fight on.


They’re saying it’s still going to be a really rough road ahead, but as an avid Dodgers fan, Mike knows something about rough roads and hanging tough. And from what I understand, Mike has a whole lot more fans pulling for him.

His friend, Ken Swift, e-mailed to say Mike is also a devoted Page 2 reader, and since I know of no others, there’s one more good reason why Mike needs to recover as quickly as possible.

Swift said that Mike really loves the Dodgers, although friends don’t quite understand why. But these days Mike is in no shape to follow them as closely as he might like although he has asked about them.


So I thought I might help, and maybe his wife, Renee, or daughter, Jessica, could pass along the information.

FIRST OF ALL, Mike, there’s a chance your heroes will move into first place tonight. I was going to say just what the doctor ordered, but most doctors don’t believe in miracles.

All the guys have to do is beat the Giants, so I bought a Giants sweat shirt and wore it in the Dodgers clubhouse just to remind them who they really hate.


As a Page 2 reader, I know you’d get it.

Now I should also tell you that I had no intention of writing about Manny Ramirez here after writing about seven or eight straight columns about the dynamo.

You might be wondering why I would write so many columns about a guy playing for Boston, but while you were battling to stay with us, the Dodgers traded for him.

They gave up nothing, pay him nothing, because as you know, Frank McCourt is still the owner of the Dodgers, and I don’t know what intensive-care policy is these days, but if they allow a Dodgers dreadlock bandanna, one is on the way.

Ramirez has been sensational, two for two in this game so far and, although I vowed to take a break writing about him, anything for you.

Crazy guy, too. He dabbed perfume on my shirt before the game, something called, “Sexual,” and when I go home and the wife washes the shirt, and on occasion she does get off the couch, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I understand Pete Carroll sent you an autographed picture. I’d have Ramirez send one, too, but he’s got to get his hair cut first, and while it might seem silly to you these days to sweat the small stuff, I’ll get to Juan Pierre in a moment.


I got into it with the shrimp the other day, but no reason to add to your worries. Let’s just say he’s not playing as much, so that ought to make you feel better.

I was going to tell you Matt Kemp will make your heart beat faster the way he’s playing, but that might not be a good thing quite yet.

But Mike, wow. He’s not only hitting, he’s already thrown out two guys in this game. So many good years ahead of him, and as if you need another reason, you don’t want to miss it.

I know there’s some talk about a heart transplant, but Joe Torre can tell you all about that, and it’s a story with a happy ending.

In the meantime, you know how important pitching is, Jose Lima the most valuable Dodger since 1988 with the team’s only playoff win in that time, so tonight I was going to really get on Derek Lowe and Brad Penny.

But I don’t see why you should catch a break. As much as I’d like to see Lowe and Penny start pitching up to their capabilities and get the Dodgers into October, you really have to be there to make it worthwhile.


RENEE & JESSICA are blogging to keep Mike’s friends informed, and they plan on reading these comments to him from friends eager to be with him again.

But I’d also urge avid Dodgers fans to share their Dodgers excitement at, and maybe pass on some encouragement, so everyone has an October to remember.

Please, just no mention of how Saturday’s game ended.

THE GIANTS had an outfielders reunion before the game, the crowd cheering Willie Mays and Barry Bonds. Then they had the current Giants outfielders take the field. Talk about a downer, Mike.

The crowd chanted, “Barry, Barry,” because folks here, as you know, are strange. Bonds stepped to the microphone, pointed to the Dodgers and said, “I beat you before and I’ll beat you again.”

The next chance he gets to beat any of these Dodgers will be on the celebrity golf tour.

F.P. Santangelo was also on the field for pregame ceremonies, Mike, but no one explained why.

TENTH INNING, and Jeff Kent just hit a home run, and then tossed a look into the Giants dugout while rounding third.


Great theater, and with Bonds back tonight, you can just imagine how much Kent enjoyed this one.

But as an avid Dodgers fan, Mike, you know how these things go sometimes. You have your setbacks, they have their setbacks, but eventually everything will be good again.

NOW GET some rest, Mike.

Look forward to seeing you at Dodger Stadium.


T.J. Simers can be reached at [email protected]. To read previous columns by Simers, go to
