

It’s hard not to romanticize the American western -- Abundant land! Clear-cut codes of masculinity! Fantastic hats! -- but the New Beverly does its best with a double feature of films that deconstruct the gunslinger mythology. “The Magnificent Seven,” a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai,” transplants the action from a small village in Japan to a small village in Mexico, where a rogues’ gallery of onscreen tough guys including Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and James Coburn are hired to defend hapless villagers from the bandito Calvera (scene stealer Eli Wallach). With “The Professionals.” 7:30 p.m. (“The Magnificent Seven”), 10 p.m. (“The Professionals”), through Tues. New Beverly Cinema, 7165 W. Beverly Blvd. L.A. (323) 938-4038.
