
A slower train

THANKS for the great article on Engineer Bill Stulla [“That Local Green Light,” by Robert Lloyd, Aug. 16]. My sister and I watched him religiously every day. I was 11 at the time. I wrote a letter to the show and, to my surprise, I was picked to go on! We got a bunch of candy (from various sponsors, no doubt), including a box of those horrible Flavor Straws, and an official Engineer Bill hat. Too bad my mother got rid of it during one of our moves.

I taught my sons and all my grandchildren how to play Red Light, Green Light too. So Engineer Bill will live on through many generations of children.

Christine Cheney

Santa Ana


THE SAD passing of Engineer Bill reminds us boomers of the 1950s how life was a little slower, a lot easier, when kids were able to be kids a little longer and watching local TV shows was entertainment enough -- the happy days before there were video games, computers, DVDs and all the other trappings of technology and such. Mainly because we spent most of our free time playing outside, going to our friends’ houses, riding our bikes and not taking life quite so seriously -- there was plenty of time for that later!


Thanks Engineer Bill, Sheriff John and Tom Hatten, you made being a kid a lot of fun!

Frances Terrell Lippman

Sherman Oaks


GREEN LIGHT, red light. Wow. Between Engineer Bill and Bosco, I probably powered down a zillion glasses of milk as a child. No calcium issues for me at 60, thank you very much.

Greg Phifer

Paso Robles
