
Military deaths

The Defense Department last week identified the following American military personnel killed in Afghanistan, Bahrain and Iraq:

Donald C. Carwile, 29, of Oxford, Va.; first lieutenant, Army. Carwile was one of two soldiers killed Aug. 15 when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb and was then attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire in Afghanistan’s Wardak province, south of Kabul. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) at Ft. Campbell, Ky.

Paul E. Conlon Jr., 21, of Somerville, Mass.; private first class, Army. Conlon was one of two soldiers killed Aug. 15 when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb and was then attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire in Afghanistan’s Wardak province, south of Kabul. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) at Ft. Campbell, Ky.


Nickolas Lee Hopper, 27, of Montrose, Ill.; sergeant, Marine Corps. Hopper, who died Sept. 8, 2007, of injuries suffered two years earlier in Iraq, has officially been added to the list of combat deaths in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A final autopsy concluded that he died as a result of wounds suffered June 20, 2005, when his convoy vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Anbar province, west of Baghdad. The Department of Defense formally announced his death Friday. He was assigned to the 2nd Low-Altitude Air Defense Battalion, Marine Air Control Group-28, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force in Cherry Point, N.C.

Janelle F. King, 23, of Merced, Calif.; private, Army. King died of non-combat-related injuries Aug. 14 in Baghdad. She was assigned to the 115th Combat Support Hospital at Ft. Polk, La.

Juan Lopez-Castaneda, 19, of Mesa, Ariz.; lance corporal, Marines Corps. Lopez-Castaneda was one of two Marines killed Aug. 14 when a roadside bomb exploded near them while they were on foot patrol in the town of Sangin in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, southwest of Kabul. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Twentynine Palms, Calif.


Jonathon L. Luscher, 20, of Scranton, Pa.; private first class, Army National Guard. Luscher died of non-combat-related injuries Aug. 17 at Forward Operating Base Mehtar Lam, Afghanistan, east of Kabul. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment in Scranton, Pa.

Anthony G. Mihalo, 23, of Naperville, Ill.; corporal, Marine Corps. Mihalo was one of two Marines killed Aug. 14 when a roadside bomb exploded near them while they were on foot patrol in the town of Sangin in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, southwest of Kabul. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Twentynine Palms, Calif.

Kristopher D. Rodgers, 29, of Sturgis, Mich.; staff sergeant, Army. Rodgers was killed Aug. 16 when a roadside bomb exploded near his vehicle in Korengal Valley, Afghanistan, east of Kabul. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division at Ft. Hood, Texas.


George Stanciel, 40, of Greenwood, Miss.; sergeant first class, Army. Stanciel was killed Tuesday in a mortar attack on Forward Operating Base Gary Owen in Amarah, Iraq, south of Baghdad. He was assigned to the 370th Engineer Company, 54th Engineer Battalion, 18th Engineer Brigade in Bamberg, Germany.

Travis M. Stottlemyer, 20, of Hatfield, Pa.; lance corporal, Marine Corps. Stottlemyer died of non-combat-related injuries Aug. 17 in Manama, Bahrain, the small island country off Saudi Arabia that is home to the Navy’s 5th Fleet. He was assigned to the 3rd Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team Company, Marine Corps Security Forces in Norfolk, Va.

David J. Todd Jr., 36, of Marrero, La.; sergeant first class, Army. Todd was killed Wednesday when his unit was attacked with small-arms fire in Bala Murghab in Afghanistan’s Badghis province, northwest of Kabul. He was assigned to the Afghan Regional Security Integration Command-West in Herat, Afghanistan.

Jacob J. Toves, 27, of Grover Beach, Calif.; lance corporal, Marine Corps. Toves was killed Aug. 14 while supporting combat operations in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, southwest of Kabul. He was assigned to the 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force in Okinawa, Japan.


Sources: Department of Defense, Times staff reports and the Associated Press


War casualties

Total U.S. deaths*:

In and around Iraq: 4,148

In and around Afghanistan: 509

Other locations: 65

*Includes military and Department of Defense-employed civilian personnel killed in action and in nonhostile circumstances as of Thursday

Source: Department of Defense
