
Counting McCain’s houses

Re “McCain blunder leaves him looking for political shelter,” Aug. 22

Wouldn’t you know that Barack Obama is trying to exploit the fact that John McCain and his wife own seven homes? For Obama’s information, the father of our country, George Washington -- in large part through his marriage to Martha Custis, a wealthy heiress like Cindy McCain -- owned many thousands of acres of land and may have been the richest man ever to become president.

Washington’s wealth never prevented him from doing a good job as a leader of the American Revolution or president of the United States. Obama should lay off the politics of class and envy.

But let’s not hold our breath.

Al Ramrus

Pacific Palisades


McCain’s grievous statement about his wealth is a fitting example of how the Republican Party will be unable to repair this broken economy.


It is a wonder that McCain will likely win some of the poorest states in the country -- despite numerous statements by him and his advisors that show very little knowledge of the typical American’s plight.

If McCain is elected and is allowed to follow the same failed policies as his predecessor, many Americans will be acutely aware of how many homes they own: none.

Andrew Mackay

Los Altos


That McCain can’t recall how many houses and properties he and his beer-heiress wife possess is not just a statement that he had a George H.W. Bush moment in not connecting with average people struggling to stave off foreclosure.


Another alarming fact also comes to light: McCain can’t recall many facts these days. That gives credence to the notion that this man, who is about to turn 72, may not be capable of taking that proverbial 3 a.m. call should it occur.

Ronald Reagan’s last few years in the White House should give us pause when it comes to this candidate’s ability to serve.

Jack Kenna



McCain’s amnesia should be construed as a positive political gaffe; the more homes he owns, the better. His message to every American voter is that like him, they can all achieve the American dream through the time-tested habits of focus, hard work and perseverance (and helped by positive government policies that he proposes, like minimal taxation to stimulate investment and jobs.)


Unfortunately, many with socialist inclinations in the opposing camp have not learned the lessons of failed socialism elsewhere.

Ashok Sharma

La Canada Flintridge
