
Body is found in poison-filled car

A man was found dead in a car containing household pesticides and chemicals Monday afternoon in the Hastings Ranch area of Pasadena, authorities said.

Shops and restaurants in the area near North Halstead Street and Rosemead Boulevard were evacuated Monday afternoon after a passerby noticed the Volkswagen Beetle with a warning sign on it in a parking lot behind a Trader Joe’s store.

Firefighters arriving at the scene found a man slumped over the steering wheel and potentially deadly chemicals inside the vehicle, said Lisa Derderian, spokeswoman for the Pasadena Fire Department.


After a hazardous-materials team rendered the vehicle safe, investigators were able to determine that the man was dead, she said. The man was the subject of a missing-person’s report filed earlier Monday with Pasadena police, Derderian said.

-- Richard Winton
