
Too few beach campsites

Re “Unpaving paradise,” Aug. 25

The first coastal campground in decades is paradise for the few! It is hard to believe that a space that once held more than 200 full-size trailers will now accommodate only 60 campsites.

We do not need day-use facilities. The coastal campgrounds are far too few. During the summer months, the few sites that exist are all booked on the first day of reservations, which is seven months in advance, within 45 minutes or so.

For years now, I have been unable to reserve more than four or five days of continuous stay at any of the state park beach campsites. There are many who are unable to get reservations.


Camping is such a great way for families to vacation, bond and explore the environment. It should not be limited to a few lucky ones who get a reservation for a limited number of campsites. The state needs to accommodate us with more coastal camping facilities -- not day-use parking areas, and not 25 years from now.

Arlene Jackson

San Dimas
