
Religious extremism

Re “Terrorism in India has many faces,” Opinion, Nov. 30

Martha Nussbaum writes that we should not single out Muslim extremists for condemnation because ... why? Because there are other inexcusable groups that exhibit similar behaviors?

I don’t get it. Does Nussbaum not notice that our news sources remain chock full of wars, attacks and insurrections linked to Muslim extremists?

To hint that we should not focus on the ever-increasing dangers in the spread of Islamic radicalization because there are other people behaving badly is just plain and reckless foolishness and logic from another universe.


Steve Klein



All the faces of terrorism in India have just one face -- the face of the 800-pound gorilla in the room that everyone ignores: religious violence. As long as every religion claims there is an absolute truth, the gorilla will continue its rampage.

Religious violence will end when religions no longer control moral standards while demanding the murder of heretics. There really is only one kind of terrorism, and it continues to rape and murder in the name of God.

John Taylor

La Habra
